

Millions of people around the world consider project management to be their main profession. We have become a project-orientated society. Still, research shows that the vast majority of projects fail to reach their intended targets. That fascinates me. In The People Factor I present an alternative way for reaching project success. By utilizing a framework of seven people skills in addition to the rational and tangible toolkit of todays project methods, The People Factor will significantly decrease the probability of failed expectations and increase the possibility of reaching project targets.

In the book I take you on a discovery tour of the world of projects and project management from a people perspective. Through my own experiences and the stories of other project professionals, I give you insights into skills every project professional needs, to make a positive impact on the people in projects and projects as a whole. I believe that by reading my book, you are better equipped to reach success in your projects and, at the same time pave your pathway to a long and fruitful career in project management.

So buy The People Factor – The next leap in project management – and share your experiences with me. Thank you.

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    What do people say about Sonja?

    Since the publication of The People Factor in October 2019 I have received many responses on how my book helped project managers to stimulate connectivity and trust between people in their projects. And how this connectivity and trust led to a shared mindset that established a never wavering commitment towards reaching project success. I thank the people below for sharing their experiences with you and me. Feel free to let me know what you think of The People Factor.
